
Personalize your customer journey

Generate additional sales and optimize your conversions thanks to our platform dedicated to eMerchandising.

TRYGR. allows you to :

Boost your sales.

Gaining in performance.

Automate the recommendation of your personalized products.

Integrate our algorithms into native widgets.

Improve the customer experience.

Place the consumer at the center of the strategy and facilitate their journey on your site to bring them closer to the buying process.

TRYGR. allows you to increase your sales by 10% to 15%.

Create a new revenue line with our eMerchandising solution.

Discover our different formats


When searching for the user or viewing a category, several products appear within the personalized listing page according to:

Data from your users (transactional, behavioral, browsing history).

Your commercial activities (highlight, promotions, destocking).


Support your customer throughout their buying journey with personalized recommendations.

To make the best recommendations, the algorithm uses behavioral and transactional data to deliver the right product at the right time.

The product will be displayed where it is most likely to be purchased : Home page, Listing page, Product page, 404 page, Cart page, Order confirmation page. 

Our solution is integrated through native recommendation blocks respecting the look & feel of your e-commerce site.


When searching for the user, products are displayed directly in the search bar.

Our solution is integrated on all pages containing a search bar with a search drop-down menu and an auto-completion.

It contains the number of adaptable products and product informations : image, title, price, star rating, reviews, etc.

An average 5% increase in your incremental turnover thanks to your shopper data.

Increase your conversions

Increase your conversion rates by offering a personalized experience to your customers with our native widgets.


Improve your productivity by automating your products and facilitating the navigation of your e-commerce website.


Boost your sales with hyper-personalization campaigns.